
Gift Idea: Church Backpack

This is such fun gift. A Backpack full of fun things to keep young ones busy at church. Books, crayons, paper, small toys, a small baby doll, fruit snacks ...

The best part of the whole gift though, is the poem that came with it. My sister-in-law Lacey is such a great writer:

The mommies are crying,
the old men are snoring.
Let's face it ... for one year-olds,
church can be boring!
You're not still a baby,
You don't slee all day --
but not yet the age to join nursery to play.
"So what in the world will I do?" you might ask.
Don't worry, your cousies will help you and fast!
We've packed you a bag of our favorite stuff,
to help make your Sundays -- not quite as tough!
We hope you love princesses,
babies, and more ...
crayons and stickers and fruit snacks galore!


  1. I love that you put my gift on your blog...and so happy that Linley likes it! When my kids started walking they had to start packing their own Sunday bag to church...it makes my load a little lighter- especially with 3 kids!!!

  2. PS...I've got a lot more b-day gift ideas like this one if you ever need any!! It's what I do for fun...(pathetic I know)!
