
Wrap it Up!

I love pretty presents. I think sometimes, I actually like the wrapping of a gift more than the actual gift.

I went to a bridal shower the other night, so wrapped up this little gift using a colander. It matched the lingerie inside, and to make the nighty stand up I added a bag of pasta.

I used fun matching ribbons to make a bow, and my new favorite striped envelopes. And, I love when gifts have a theme so I made it all about cooking up a little something more than dinner ...

I've always loved getting mail. I love pretty invitations and fun packages. I don't usually love paperless invitations or e-vites because it bypasses getting something in the mail, but the invitation for this party came by way of Paperless Post. Have you heard about it? You can sign up for free and the invitations are cute. When you get them in your email, you click on the envelope that has your name on it, and it opens up and you can view the invitation and RSVP by clicking on a box. There are so many, but check some of them out ...


  1. Super cute! I'm with you on liking good old fashioned snail mail better. I bet your friend will be delighted to get such a fun and beautifully wrapped gift!

  2. Court you are always so good at putting together very thoughtful and darling gifts!!
